It was a very decisive day for Congo Tomorrow project actors.
This Saturday, January 5, 2019, the project has climbed its ladder.
Present in Goma, the African American bishop Joseph Tolton from the Global Fellowship of Global Affirming Ministries, (TFAM / GLOBAL) promoter of the project with the extension of TFAM / DRC in collaboration with umoja the coalition of LGBTI organizations, facilitated three main activities which gave a new breath to this project. In this story, we present you what was the essence of the day of January 5, 2019

In the morning was organized an exchange session with different structures involved in the progress of the project. It is the TFAM / DRC and its partners: the civil society, government members ,police, the LGBT community, university lecturers , the media,TFAM churches pastors, youth DRC TFAM committee for reviewing and evaluating the provisions taken into account at the last meeting that took place on Thursday, October 18, 2018 at the Caritas reception center.
With these different structures, it was about putting in place other useful strategies in the progress for the project. Each organization was therefore asked to contribute somewhat to the expansion and popularization of the message of change and freedom, the battle horse in Congo Tomorrow project. Special emphasis has been placed on the media side that, moreover, Mr. Junior, coordinator of Umoja and one of the focal points of the project qualifies media as « chukudu » during this one year that will last the project. « It’s the media that will help us carry the message, send it to the general public, that will facilitate us. And so, we expect big from media «

During the same meeting, volunteers chose to reflect on the vision of Congo Tomorrow project. One member from each represented structure has been selected. It is through this vision that strategies will be defined to virtually launch activities of Congo Tomorrow project.
The second part of the day was devoted to a conference. Themes have been developed. They can be summarized as follows: « Interconnected Justice: Pan-Africanism Congo Tomorrow; LGBTI rights, women’s rights, economic justice and prosperity.

In his presentation, Bishop Joseph Tolton introduced the issue of Pan-Africanism, which is crucial at a time when Africa seems will survive divisions. He therefore called for African unity, mutual aid, the fight against all forms of discrimination currently observed as well as social injustices of bad omen. He warned some Westerners who want to abuse Africa plundering and sowing discord among the African population. The African and Congolese people must be aware of the opportunities that abound. « It’s important to understand the opportunities within Africa, » said the afirican American bishop.
The third part of the day was devoted to a press conference. It was another opportunity of inviting all journalists to join the project in their work because it is through the press that the message of the project will be spread across the general public.
As a reminder, Congo Tomorrow project is a project realized by the TFAM / DRC in collaboration with umoja and its partners and which is funded by The Followship of Affirming Ministries of the United States of America represented by Bishop Joseph Tolton.
Congo TOMORROW is a social justice initiative intended to « make a dramatic declaration on the progressive social trajectory of the DRC » Through this project, the TFAM Youth DRC will implement a one-year program of support and « empowerment » which involves a total of 500 young people including 250 boys and 250 girls. The latter will benefit from socio-educational support in terms of workshops, worship services and advocacy training focused on women’s well-being, the redefinition of male identity and the social inclusion of all minorities and women. cooperation and economic creativity.

To achieve this, the project will work with church pastors and school directors to identify all these young people, then a program will be taken into account to provide all these recipients with all the necessary opportunities such as scholarships. study abroad. The very success of this project is that actors believe that there will be a change in the DRC, whatever the weather, explained Mr. Junior BASOSILA, one of project focal points and coordinator of Umoja.
A similar project funded by The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries from the United States of America already exists in other countries. These countries are Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Cote d’Ivoire, etc. in the frame see a reunited Africa.